Today is finally Friday! I have a crazy night of house cleaning planned. We were in a rush to get Kaci fed, dressed and over to Grandpa's before the show last night. And whenever I am rushing - my house turns into a disaster zone. It literally looks like a bomb went off. Clothes ALL OVER my room and Kaci's, dishes in the sink, as well as every coat is pulled off their hangers in our entry way closet. I couldn't find my North Face jacket (who looses coats at 31 years old?) so proceeded to throw a temper tantrum.
Oh and we also have 1 diaper...yes 1 diaper left in our house. Yikes! Not to mention that last night I ran out of wipes. You would think I am new at this kid thing! Kevin was kind enough to run to the store to grab some wipes while I continued with my temper tantrum. Look what he came home with:
Correct me if I am wrong, but these are not baby wipes. These are adult wipes. Kevin said that they didn't sell baby wipes so he just grabbed these? He must think I have never been to this store? He also must have forgotten that we only have 2 stores in our town?? Oh well - they work.
Friday morning photo shoot. This is just one of the three animal print fur jackets that Kaci owns. I think the Jersey Shore is calling her name!
A little shy
Then she warmed up!
Sorry for the poor photo quality. Don't know what was going on .