Tuesday, June 26, 2012

And So It Begins...

Oops, I only posted once last week.  Sorry!  My slacker tendancies have begun!

And I was going to post yesterday, but I got so wrapped up in the days excitement that I forgot.  We have a new addition to our family....a KAYAK!

Kevin came and met me at work and took me to pick one out!  Best Monday I have had in a while.  Dick's Sporting Goods was having a sale, so it brought the price down a bit.  And no I didn't get a super luxerious professional model, but whatevs.  Once I get good I am sure a sponser will step in and take me pro.  At that time companies will be lining up for me to test their product.  RIGHT?

I am leaving work early tomorrow on our 80 degree Wednesday, pictures to follow!

Weekend Recap:

Friday, I went to a party to celebrate my cousin Courtney's graduation from the Portland Art Institute.  She makes amazing handbags...In fact the Portland Mercury even named her one of their favorites.  I had a cocktail and then went to enjoy an evening with two of my favorite gals - Bonnie and Steph.

Saturday Kaci and I went and hung out with my sister Crystal and the kids.  Check out Hunter's  new glasses!  Ha...he was playing in the junk drawer and these gems made an appearance.

Sunday was spent cleaning and then we headed to the river to sit in the sun with Kev and his fishing buddies. 

And I almost forgot Kaci's favorite part of the weekend - PIGGIES!  Grandpa Floyd brought some piglets to the farm.  I don't have the heart to tell her what will happen to these little guys.  Maybe I will tell her over bacon.

Here piggy piggy piggy!
Oh and some frosting...
That's about it.  More to come on Thursday.

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