Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Hair Do's and Don'ts

little sigh of relief escaped my lips when I found out that my second (and last) child was going to be a little man.  Why you might ask?  The reason is hair.  I do not know how to style hair.  So Dean - do not try to pull off a "long hair don't care" hippy mentality in this household.  You will not get away with it.

Hair has always been a challenge.  My hair tends to be a tad unruly at times.  I have a lot of hair, and I basically just learned how to handle all of this hair at the age of 30.  I will disclose that I went through some hairstyles that can only be described as rough.  One time I cut my hair bowl cut short.  Several times I had perms.   There was a period of time in which I had bleach blond hair that resulted in my already course hair turning into a dry tumble weed.    One time a lady who only spoke broken english said she would "make my face look shorter" and ended up cutting tiny baby bangs for me...without my permission.   Photos you ask?  NO.

Well enough about me and my hair woes.  Let's turn the focus to Kaci.  And of course Kaci's hair:

First off , I never should have cut Kaci's hair to her chin.  Oh yeah and cutting bangs was another mistake.  Two for two!

I don't know how to braid.  I don't have the time or patience to blow dry it with a round brush.  I don't waste my efforts with headbands that will just go missing before she even gets to school each morning.  What I aim for each day is just to tame it.  We have three options: a pony tail; pig tails or run a brush through it and leave it alone.   And no matter which style we go with, by 4:00 p.m  things look a bit rough.  

Until it grows out, are wigs a viable option for us?

Blond bombshell


Brilliant brunette

Nah...I think a little extra conditioner and a lot of extra patience will get us through.

One more thing...BIG BROTHER 16 starts on Wednesday.  Oh the excitement!

Enjoy the weekend!


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