Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My original first post. Sorry out of order.

I am going to do it.

So lately I have become obsessed with reading blogs.  It all started when my friend Justin moved to France with the promise of a blog so that his family and friends could feel like we were a part of his travels.  I created a blogger account and became a follower of Justin’s blog.  Each morning I would come in to work, log on to my computer and start my morning ritual: coffee; breakfast; talk to Jessica; check facebook; check blogger.  And each morning…NOTHING FROM JUSTIN.  O.k….there were a handful of blogs from Justin – but they just left me wanting more.

So more is what I went on the hunt for.  Kath Eats Real Foods; The Domestic Diva; Running and Then Blogging About It…I am a part of their lives!

I now want a blog.  I want to document this time in my life with my quirky thoughts; rants; pictures, etc.  I do have some concerns though, and I am hoping that you as my followers can maybe offer some suggestions on how to overcome these issues.  Here goes:

1 – I am private.  I don’t necessarily want to share my life and stories with everyone, however having a blog that only I look at seems dumb. 

2 – Sometimes I make up excuses on why I can’t hang out with someone.  So if I tell a little white lie to a friend…but then blog about my boring weekend at home…I am essentially screwed.  Please don’t tell me I shouldn’t lie either.  I have to.  I know of no other way.

3 – Drunk blogging.  Similar to drunk facebooking or drunk dialing.  I sometimes feel like I am amazing and creative and witty after I have a bottle of wine.  I am not. 

4 – Letting people down.  I am going to do an amazing job at this in the beginning.  My posts will be frequent.  They will be entertaining and witty and peppered with fun pictures of my family/and or random things that catch my eye.  It won’t last.  I am lazy.  You will all get your hopes up and I will eventually become a Justin.

That’s it for now.  This is my first official blog.  Please enjoy.

Meet the new Jaci!

Hope everyone’s Memorial Day weekend was enjoyable.  Mine was filled with the usual – hot dogs, hamburgers, wine, beer, ice cream, chips and smoking.  And also per usual following a 3 day weekend, 9:00 p.m. on Monday evening I am standing in the bathroom giving myself a pep talk in front of the mirror.  “O.k. Jaci…Tuesday brings about day one of the new you.  You can do this!  Think how much better you will feel, look and smell!” 

Many people may only make New Year’s Resolutions, but not me.  I love making them so much that I do it about once every 3 months.  I am nothing but consistent.

So maybe if I throw them out there to all of you, I can actually succeed in this new lifestyle.  Here they are:

~develop and follow a night time beauty regimen.  I have been getting better about this, but it is still common for me to briefly run a toothbrush over my teeth and jump in to bed.  This is not very lady like.  Floss my teeth, wash my face and moisturize is what the goal is. 

~Get some form of exercise 4 times per week.  This is very doable for me.  I enjoy working out and especially like how I feel afterwards.  But I am either all in for the week or will do nothing at all.  2 weeks ago – I ran 4 times in the week.  Last week….nothing.  My sister, whom I never get to run with, even invited me to run with her and her friends.  “Yes, count me in” I told her.  But Sunday evening rolled around and this involved beers with friends and a fire.  I have no willpower around a camp fire.  Let’s just say I was in no mood to set an alarm to do physical activity on Monday morning. 

~Quit chugging beer like a frat boy.  This one doesn’t really need any explanation for those of you who know me.  I can drink beer.  A lot of beer.  I enjoy it. 

~Quit chain smoking.  Actually stop smoking all together.  Let me explain my smoking habit.  I do not smoke unless I drink.  The thought of a cigarette without an adult beverage in my hand is disgusting.  I want no part of it.  When I see people on my way to work in the morning smoking in their cars, it disgusts me.  However, upon having some booze, I want to smoke and smoke and smoke some more.  I love it.  I do not enjoy the smell or how it makes me feel in the morning. 

~Learn to braid my bangs like Lauren Conrad (LC for those of us in her inner circle) from the Hills.  I love it.  I have tried it and I just can’t seem to get the hang of it.  I am sure by the time I master the technique, it will no longer be cool.  Oh well though.

After reviewing these resolutions, it appears that I am mainly trying to quit acting like a dude.  Instead, act like the lady and mom that I am.

Typically I will be including a lot more pictures of my life in each of my posts.  I haven’t figured out exactly how to do this yet.  I will play around with it tonight and get it figured out.