Friday, January 25, 2013

Catch Up Please!

Just a post to bring you up to speed on recent uneventful events...

First up - Kaci:

Meet "Beary" her new side kick.  Beary is actually an old bear that she recently found in the depths of her toy box.  She found him shortly after Christmas and now devotes the majority of her time to wrapping him (her?) up in a blanket and putting him to sleep....then waking him up.  Repeat 17 times throughout the day.

Kaci is now in her very own big girl bed.  I scored this little gem for free from a friend.  Once the weather warms up I will be sanding it down and painting it black.  She loves it!  She also loves these pajamas.  Yes, they are boy pajamas.  Hand-me-downs from her cousin Hudson which she insists upon wearing whenever clean.  

Let me also direct you to the bedding.  I thought it would be fun to let her pick out some stuff to go with her new bed.  As much as I tried to direct her attention to the neutral, non-character bed sets, she latched on to the Hello Kitty.  There was nothing I could do to change her mind.  However, since it was not Disney Princess or Tinkerbell, I am going to consider it a success.

I guess they like my cooking!  (note - Kevin is wearing insulated overalls as he just came in from working outside.  He does have normal pants under them.  Please do not assume that he regularly roams about in half zipped overalls.)


Next up - How my Nike Fuel Band let me down

My Mom recently got a Fuel Band as well, which makes mine that much more motivating and fun to wear.  We check in on each other most evenings to make sure that we are at or near our goal.  This forces me to get up and move as I don't want to be the slacker.  

The Fuel Band only tracks the movements of the arm you are wearing it on.  I know this...I mean I have had mine since November.  So you can see how I almost ripped it to shreds when I came home from a 3 mile jog and I did not see the dramatic increase in Fuel points that I had expected.  You see, I was pushing Kaci in her stroller (increasing the difficulty 10 fold by the way).  So instead of swinging, both of my arms were holding the handle of the stroller not moving.  Ugh.

This is the time, not my fuel points.  Since I took this picture at 9:44 a.m. my point value was pretty unimpressive.

Happy Friday!

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