Friday, January 25, 2013


My 8:00 - 9:00 a.m. routine Monday through Friday consists of perusing the blogs that I follow.  Generally these blogs motivate me to become a better all around person and really dedicate 100% of myself to my work, my home, my family, myself and my blog (After 9:00 a.m....not a minute before).  Lately though these other blogs have made me envious of their photo quality.  Mine just seemed so boring in comparison....I realized that I needed to make a change.

I decided to join the 21st century and download the Instagram app.  Wow.  So much fun!  Although I really wish I could just use the app and not have to follow/be followed.  Whatever.

Here is a view of the starting line of Sunday's snow shoe race:

Now with the magic of Instagram:

I am confident that this small change will cause the number of followers I have to quadruple.

WHAT???  Did she say snow shoe?  Yes, I went up to Mt. Hood last Sunday.  Great day in the mountain sun with Bonnie!  Hopefully she will email me some pictures so I can show just how cool we looked.  I am a crappy blogger who never takes any pictures and just depends on others to cover my ass.  There...I admitted it.  Moving on.

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