Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 11th, 2014 is 7:01 p.m. on January 11th.  Yes - the day that I had ordered Dean to make his first appearance.  He has not arrived yet.  In fact - he hasn't even shown any initiative in beginning the process yet.

Oh Dean - please come out.  Just to let you know...your sister listened to me.  I had her date scheduled just like this.  Though she did not arrive until the following morning, she did at least start her journey on the date I requested!  But hey - it isn't too late little buddy.  In fact you still have time to one up her and be BORN today!  Come on Dean - Kaci double dog dares you!

Here she is taunting you Dean!

If nothing happens tonight, I will have to deal with uncertainty.  Not my cup of tea.  I currently have all of my loose ends tied up and feel fully prepared.  It is impossible to stay at this level of preparedness.  Nope - everything will just slowly unravel.  Let me explain...

  1. Work - Email inbox is cleared; all voice mails returned; all of my duties have been assigned to others; etc.  So when I show up to work on Monday - I can't just leave things that way.  I will be forced to take back over things I had previously given away and start working on new issues that will most definitely come up.  Sounds messy to me.
  2. My house - It is spotless.  All laundry is washed, folded and put away.  Everyone has clean sheets on their beds.  Bathrooms and floors are sparkling.  Now the beds will get slept in, laundry will be dirtied, dirt will bet tracked in, etc.  
  3. Food - I took the liberty of going grocery shopping last night.  I stocked the pantry and fridge so that I would not have to brave the flu infested crowds at the grocery store with my new bundle of joy.  Kevin and Kaci will only starve so long before they go foraging for food on their own...eating their way through my stockpile.
  4. Me - I washed, dried and flat ironed my hair today.  I also shaved my legs.  You can't expect me to do this every day.
So that is where things sit at this point.

To close this post, I will let Kaci write a bit.  She has been begging me for this big break.


Her hair shows the stress she was under to make this publishing deadline

Until next time Readers!

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