Saturday, January 18, 2014

Kaci's Day

Kaci caught a case of cabin fever after staying home all day long this past Saturday.  Hey - I had plans to leave the house, but they didn't pan out.  So Sunday morning she wanted to make damn sure that it would not be another torture filled day of wearing her cozy pants and playing with all of her new Christmas toys.  Sounds painful huh?

I too felt like getting out and spending some of that excess money I have laying around, so I decided to treat Kaci to a ladies day out.  First thing she did was announce to her Dad the following: "Hey Daddy, do you want to go with us?  Sorry you can't!  Hahahahaha!"

First up on Kaci's agenda was picking up her cousin Rowan.  Then we hit up Super Cuts for Kaci's first haircut.  Ro decided to get a new style as well.    Thank goodness she did - had she not gotten her haircut first, I know that Kaci would not have done as good as she did.



"GASP!  How could you cut off all of her little curls?"  Oh you mean those dreadful little knots that caused her screaming and tears each and every morning?  They had to go.  This new cut makes for easier mornings for everyone.

After the haircut we roamed around Target for a bit, burning time until lunch with my parents.  Kaci's go to lunch spot is Subway.  She of course voiced her opinion so that Rowan and I could hear - along with the rest of the shoppers in Target.  I promptly vetoed her decision at a much quieter level.  Much to my surprise she did not crumple to the floor in a puddle of tears.  She calmly (yet loudly) said "o.k. - but no McMenamins today".  McMenamins is my go-to lunch spot.  Dang.  We finally settled on BJ's, where Kaci could enjoy some macaroni and cheese, and I a pizookie.  

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